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FAQs V3 Company Forms - Director KYC, Charge & Deposit Forms

1. Where should I file Company forms effective from 31st August 2022?

Set 1 forms covering 9 forms are being migrated to V3 while remaining Company forms are still in the V2 portal. This phased migration is done to enable smooth transition of the portal. Both Version2 and Version3 are now working seamlessly.

Effective from 31st August 2022, Director KYC, Charge & Deposit forms (For complete list of Set 1 forms please refer question no. 02 below) for Company are required to be filed in Version 3 post log in on the MCA21 V3 Portal and other remaining company forms will be continued to be filed in the same manner as earlier in Version 2. You can download the other company forms from <> and proceed with the filing of the same as per previous process.

2. What are the form IDs included in Set 1 forms?

Forms covered in Set 1 forms are:

  • CHG-1

  • CHG-4

  • CHG-6

  • CHG-8

  • CHG-9

  • DIR-3 KYC Eform

  • DIR-3 KYC web

  • DPT-3

  • DPT-4

3. When will Set 1 Company forms be rolled out in V3 portal?

Set 1 forms will be rolled out on 31st August 2022 on MCA21 V3 Portal and will be available post log-in.

4. What is the process of login to file Set 1 Company forms in V3?

  • Users must click on Sign In/Sign up and then select 'Login for V3 filings' as mentioned in the below screen shot.

  • If you are an already existing LLP user of V3, same user id/password can be used to login for filing V3 Company forms. No need to create a fresh login id for accessing V3 Company

  • If you are existing Business user of V2, please use the same user id/password and click on button 'Login for V3 filing'.

  • If you are existing Registered user of V2, please use the same user id/password and click on button 'Login for V3 filings' for the first time. Now upgrade your profile to Business user in V3 and then start filing V3 Company forms.

5. What is the process to file remaining Company forms in V2 ( Except these 9 forms)?

For remaining Company Form filing (except these 9 forms), please click on button 'Login for V2 filing' and use your already existing V2 credentials.

6. When will remaining Company forms be rolled out in V3?

Remaining company forms excluding Set 1 forms to the new V3 will be intimated in due course.

7. What are the "main" differences between V2 and V3?

In the V2, forms are required to be filled and uploaded in the portal while in V3 the forms are to be filled online. This enables user convenience including the ability to save a half- filled form and file it later.

Further in V2, there was only a My Workspace which had a list of notices from MCA and circulars issued by them. In V3, there is a personalised "My Application" feature which allows one to view all the forms filed by them till date along with the status of the forms

such as pending for DSC upload and Payment, Under Processing, Pay fees, Resubmission etc.

When a user logs in to V3, the login is through the email id whereas in V2 it was possible with the user id.

When a business user logs in to the MCA system, an OTP will be sent to your mobile and e mail address to ensure the authenticity of the user.

8. Who is a Business User in V3? what is the process of new user registration?

Please refer the link for FAQs on user registration:

9. How is the associating of the DSC done?

Please refer the link for FAQs on DSC association:

10. What are the high-level changes done in Set 1 forms in V3 as compared to V2?

  • All Set 1 forms excluding DIR-3 KYC web are required to be filed through Business users accounts only. Filing of the SET 1 forms through registered user account has been

  • All Forms have been made Web-based.

  • Few attachments have been removed and the required information is either captured in machine readable format within the form itself or in the form of

  • Signing by IRP/RP/liquidator of Charge Forms for companies under liquidation/Under

  • Automatic notification to RoC of CHG-8 form filed to RD and removal of hardship of filing the same manually / through GNL-2

  • Functionality for online payment of cost (if imposed by RD in order made pursuant to CHG-8).

  • System based email and automated reply in case of CHG-1/CHG-9/CHg-4 filing is done by the charge holder (i.e., form not signed by the company or its representative).

  • Addition of few new charged assets under the head "Type of Charge" in CHG-1 and CHG-9 forms.

  • DPT-3 form filed with purpose 'Onetime Return' will be processed in STP

  • DPT-4 form will be processed in STP

  • Other miscellaneous enhancements like pre-filling of data, repositioning of fields, declaration changes

11. Is there any change happened in processing type or Due date of filing of Set 1 forms?

Except the changes mentioned in above FAQ, no other changes have been made in processing type or due date of filing.

12. One of my Set 1 form is under RSUB in V2 portal now. Can I resubmit the form in V3 portal once Form is made available effective from 31st August 2022?

Yes. Users will be able to resubmit the form in V3 as per the new notified form layouts. They should file the V3 webform, download the PDF and then upload in V3. Once resubmitted, form will get routed to V3 Back-office portal for processing.

13. Few of my Set 1 forms filed in V2 portal are pending for processing in V2 portal. What will happen to these SRNs post Set 1 forms roll out?

All the pending SRNs of Set 1 forms in V2 will be moved to V3 system as is and processed in V3 system.

14. Where can I access Set 1 forms on MCA portal?

Hover on 'MCA services', 'Company e-Filing' and then hover on the relevant module which is displayed in the below screenshot. Then click on the relevant form which the user desires to file.

15. Who is required to file DIR-3 KYC form?

For Financial year 2022-23 - Any person who has been allotted "Director Identification Number (DIN/DPIN)" on or before 31st March 2022 and the status of such DIN is

'Approved', needs to file form DIR-3 KYC to update KYC details in the system on or before 5th October 2022.

For Financial year 2021-22 onwards - Every Director who has been allotted DIN on or before the end of the financial year, and whose DIN status is 'Approved', would be mandatorily required to file form DIR-3 KYC before 30th September of the immediately next financial year.

After expiry of the respective due dates, system will mark all non-compliant DINs against which DIR-3 KYC form has not been filed as 'Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC'.

16. Who can file eForm DIR-3 KYC?

Any DIN holder who is filing his KYC details for the first time with MCA, must file all KYC details only through eForm DIR-3 KYC. There is no option for such a person to access the web-service for his KYC.

Further, any DIN holder who wants to update any information of his KYC details must update the same through filing of eForm DIR-3 KYC only. Please note that no update in details can be made by accessing the web-service for DIR-3 KYC.

17. Who can file KYC through DIR-3 KYC web-service?

Any DIN holder who has already submitted eForm DIR-3 KYC in any of the previous financial years and who does not require update in any of his KYC details as submitted, may perform his annual KYC by accessing DIR-3 KYC web service. No fee is payable up to the due date of each financial year. After the due date, a fee of Rs.5000 shall be payable.

18. Dates to be kept in mind to comply with Annual compliance of KYC?

As per the provisions of Rule 12A of the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014, every individual who is allotted DIN as on 31st March of a financial year must submit his KYC on or before 30th September of the immediately next financial year.

If the DIN holder does not file his annual KYC within the due date of each financial year, such DIN shall be marked as 'Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC' and shall remain in such Deactivated status until KYC is done with a fee of Rs.5000.

19. Is it mandatory to enter a unique mobile number and email ID in form DIR-3 KYC?

Yes. It is mandatory to enter your personal mobile number and personal email ID in the form DIR-3 KYC and the same must be verified by an OTP process. Further, the mobile number and email ID must be unique such that it is not already linked with some other person in the DIN holders' database.

20. I am a disqualified director, am I required to file form DIR-3 KYC?

Yes. Any person who has been allotted DIN and where the status of such DIN is 'Approved', is required to file form DIR-3 KYC. Hence, disqualified directors are also required to file form DIR-3 KYC.

21. What is the fee for form DIR-3 KYC?

No fee is payable if Form DIR-3 KYC is filed within the due date of the respective financial year. However, if filed after the due date, for DIN status 'Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC' a fee of Rs.5000(Rupees Five Thousand Only) shall be payable.

22. My DIN status is 'Deactivated'. Can I file form DIR-3 KYC?

Form DIR-3 KYC can be filed for status 'Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC' on payment of fee as above.

23. Why is the 'Send OTP' button disabled? What is the validity of OTP?

Send OTP button remains disabled till successful validation of the form. After successful validation, the form must be saved and only after saving the form, the 'Send OTP' button gets enabled.

Further, please note that, once OTP is successfully sent to the valid mobile number and

email ID entered in the form, 'Send OTP' button gets disabled. OTP is valid for 30 minutes. If user wants to get OTP again, please click on Resend OTP button.

24. OTP not received on email. Why is it so?

You may check the Spam folder in your mailbox for the OTP received.

25. Whether multiple filing of form DIR-3 KYC is allowed?

System will not allow multiple filing of form DIR-3 KYC for an applicant. In case KYC is already filed for a DIN, and such DIN is entered again, system throws an error that the form is already filed.

26. I have registered as business user with category 'Directors/Designated Partner' and later changed my email id through DIR-3 KYC form. Which email id should I use to login as business user?

Users shall login using the original email id through which the user got registered on MCA portal as business users. However, all emails and OTP communications will be sent to the new email Id entered in the DIR-3 KYC eform that is available in the DIN master.

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